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Pressure Differential Valve- maintains a constant Differential pressure across it. Say if P1 was inlet pressure and P2 was outlet pressure PDV will try to keep constant DP. Say if P2 increases due to some reason and P1 is constant the DP will decrease and will decrease flow through the PDV. At this point to maintain the constant DP PDV will open and allow more flow through to keep the flow constant and thus DP constant.

1 answer

differential phase-shift keying (′dif·ə′ren·chəl ′fāz ′shift ′kē·iŋ) (communications) Form of phase-shift keying in which the reference phase for a given keying interval is the phase of the signal during the preceding keying interval. Also known as differentially coherent phase-shift keying.

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2 answers

dual phase steel is a high strength steel that has a ferrite and martensitic microstructure

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magnify glass

Not advisable, the voltage differential is too great.

1 answer

Cv is a capacity rating for a valve. A valve with a Cv = 1 will flow 1 gpm of water with a differential pressure of 1 psi. If the Cv was 100, it would flow 100 gpm of water with a 1 psi differential pressure.

For non-flashing/cavitating service, Q = Cv * (dP/SG)^0.5. Q is the flow rate in gpm (US gal), dP is the differential pressure in psi and SG is the liquid's specific gravity.

1 answer

In absolute phase shift keying (PSK), the signal varies in phase relative to a reference phase, which remains constant for each symbol. In differential PSK, the phase difference between consecutive symbols is used to encode data, without referencing an absolute phase. This makes differential PSK more robust to phase shifts caused by factors such as variations in the transmission medium.

2 answers

It is a device that measures the differential pressure between two inputs.


You have a pressure container where you connect the H-side (high) of the DP-cell. The L-side (low) you leave in the atmosphere (open air). The DP-cell will tell you the pressure in the pressure container relative to atmosphere pressure. Depending on what class the DP-cell is, it will give you feedback with a current signal. Normal in Europe is 4-20 mA, where 4 is lowest and 20 is highest.

1 answer

Dp= rho * g * Dh Dp = differential pressure between point 1 and point 2 [Pa] rho = density of the liquid [kg/m3] g = gravity accelaration [m/s2] Dh= height from point 1 to point 2 [m] For typical everyday sizes of rho and Dh, it can be easily seen than Dp is in the range of 1 to 50 kPa (10 to 500 mabr)

1 answer

Differential Phase shift key (DPSK)

Quadrature amplitude modulation (QAM)

1 answer

To 4 DP, 62.1935

To 3 DP, 62.194

To 2 DP, 62.19

To 1 DP, 62.2

3 answers

Differential Phase shift key (DPSK)

Quadrature amplitude modulation (QAM)

1 answer

that's tough. sure hulk could punch deadpool halfway across the planet or the universe and deadpools weapons couldn't phase hulk but dp cant die. its kind of hard to win in a death match against someone who cant die. hulk would probably rip dp apart and leave and dp would regenerate.

1 answer

Pros of differential phase shift keying (DPSK) include improved noise immunity compared to regular phase shift keying (PSK) because it changes signal phase differentially rather than absolutely. Cons include more complex demodulation due to the need to compare the current and previous signal phases for decoding. Additionally, DPSK may have higher bit error rates in certain scenarios.

2 answers

Thin layer chromatography is a technique used to separate complex mixtures of compounds based on their differential partitioning between a stationary phase (thin layer of adsorbent material on a plate) and a mobile phase (solvent moving up the plate). As the mobile phase moves through the stationary phase, compounds in the mixture will separate based on their affinity for the stationary phase and the mobile phase.

1 answer

DPSK (Differential Phase Shift Keying) is more robust against phase fluctuations during transmission compared to PSK (Phase Shift Keying). It eliminates the need for a phase reference, making it more suitable for noisy channels. Additionally, DPSK can provide better error performance in certain scenarios compared to PSK.

1 answer

Ming Zheng has written:

'Underwater acoustic communications utilising parametric transduction with M-ary differential phase-shift keying'

1 answer

0.50517 and 532.49483 (to 5 dp).

0.50517 and 532.49483 (to 5 dp).

0.50517 and 532.49483 (to 5 dp).

0.50517 and 532.49483 (to 5 dp).

2 answers


1.The BPSK stands for “Binary Phase-shift keying”.

2.DPSK is a not a method of BPSK, where there is no reference phase signal.

3.amplitude shift keying

4.lesser bandwidth more probability error


1.The DPSK stands for “Differential phase-shift keying”.

2.DPSK is a method of BPSK, where there is no reference phase signal.

3.It is one type of phase modulation used to transmit data by altering the carrier wave’s phase.

4.greater bandwidth probability error less

3 answers

DP stands for display picture honey

1 answer

DP World was created in 1999.

1 answer

DP World's population is 30,000.

1 answer

DP Architects was created in 1967.

1 answer

7.874 DP (rounded)

1 answer

To 1 dp it is 1.0; to 2 dp it is 1.00; to 3 dp it is 1.000

1 answer

If there is a voltage differential from phase to phase, and a conductance (inverse of resistance) between them, then current (amperes) flows. This is no different than phase to neutral, i.e. voltage across conductance generates current, (I = EC, or I = E/A) except that neutral current is zero in a true phase to phase connection.

Note that phase angle is always relative. In phase to neutral, it is relative to (typically) neutral; while in phase to phase, it is relative to the other phase. By Fourier Analysis, the difference between two phases of the same frequency, but of different phase angles, is still a sine (or cosine) wave. Also, by Kirchoff's Current Law, (implied, and I will (sort of) not repeat it here), current entering from one phase and equally leaving via another phase will not reflect at all in the neutral conductor.

The simple answer is that connecting phase to phase is a short circuit, just like connecting phase to neutral.


There is no such thing as 'phase to phase' or 'phase to neutral'. The correct terms are 'line to line' and 'line to neutral'.

1 answer

DP = payment against receipt of document

1 answer

RAID DP ---Stands for RAID Dual Parity.....

1 answer

"DP" is the abbreviation of "Director of Photography."

1 answer

DP Stands for Dwelling Policy. Usually a DP type policy is used to cover rental properties.

1 answer

wht is DP payment...if any company issue DP payment to me is safe or not

it is like Tt payment? how the diferrent Tt payment & DP payment?

Hope your can rely it

1 answer

The process is called chromatography. It is a technique used to separate and analyze mixtures based on their differential affinities for a stationary phase (the porous paper) and a mobile phase (the solvent).

2 answers

DP Information Group's population is 130.

1 answer

DP Information Group was created in 1978.

1 answer

what does dp and ds stand for in case numbers for court documents

1 answer

decimal place

6 answers


DP means Documents Against Payment



2 answers

It depends how many decimal places or significant figures you are rounding to.

Here's the general method for if you're rounding to 2 dp (decimal places);

  • Look at the number in the 3rd dp spot. Is it 5 or above?
  • If no, write the number with only 2 dp ignoring the 3rd dp number completely. If yes, you'll need to increase the number in the 2nd decimal place spot by 1, unless ...
  • The 2nd dp number is a 9 (as it is in the above question). In that case you need to increase the 1st dp number by 1 and make the 9 a zero. Unless ...
  • The 1st dp number is a 9 ..... etc. etc.

So for our example;

Rounding to;

  • 2 dp = 8.20
  • 1 dp = 8.2
  • 0 dp = 8

1 answer

SPDEService Provider Delivery EnvironmentSPDEstochastic partial differential equationSPDESolid Phase Dynamic ExtractionSPDESolar Plasma Diagnostic ExperimentSPDEScrolling Poster Display Engine (advertising product)SPDESpedus Corp

1 answer

As of 2021, DP Architects employs around 1,200 staff, which includes architects, designers, and support personnel.

2 answers

  1. Count the numbers of digits after the decimal points (DP) in the two numbers.
  2. Add these numbers together.
  3. Calculate the product, including any trailing 0s.
  4. Place the DP so that the number of digits after the DP is the same as the sum of the digits after the DP (step 2).

Thus, for 15.38 * 0.0045

The first number has 2 digits after the DP, the second has 4, so sum of digits after DP is 2+4 = 6.

1538*0045 = 69210.

The answer must have 6 digits after the DP so you need to insert a 0 after the DP to make it .069210 which can then be simplified to .06921

1 answer

The same genetic medicine flamar dp.

1 answer

phi = 1.618 to 3 dp

pi = 3.142 to 3 dp

1 answer

This is the code: Infinite DP: 02111864 0098967F This is the code: Infinite DP: 02111864 0098967F

2 answers

P. Quittner has written:

'Superlinear parabolic problems' -- subject(s): Differential equations, Elliptic, Differential equations, Parabolic, Differential equations, Partial, Elliptic Differential equations, Parabolic Differential equations, Partial Differential equations

1 answer